• Wooden panels are our specialty

    We specialize in selling and processing various types of wood panels.

  • https://www.bricoflor.ro/2023/01/placaj-eucalipt-cu-furnir-estetic.html

Welcome on Bricoflor

Bricoflor is a brand of the Tecnomir Group, a family-owned company involved in the manufacturing, supply, and distribution of wood-based panels and other materials in the construction sectors. Bricoflor meets the customer's needs by providing free consultation for material selection, professional cost estimates, offering catalogs and product samples, ensuring the availability of necessary materials, and executing projects according to the specifications provided by clients. The constant focus on customer orientation is implemented through a broad range of offerings, modern logistics, and personalized services.

Parchet masiv bambus

Va doriti un interior luminos, intim si cald in acelasi timp. Atunci parchetul culoare natural oferit de noi se potriveste de minune dorintelor dumneavoastra. Acesta amplifica totodata spatialitatea incaperilor si are un luciu discret care da o nota de eleganta. Aceasta este culoarea in care se gaseste bambusul in mod natural. Contrar asteptarilor aceasta este cea mai usor de intretinut culoare.
Totusi pe finisajul lucios sunt mai vizibile eventualele zgarieturi.

Dimensiuni: 960 x 96 x 17 mm
Umiditate: 8(+-2)%
Masa specifica: 650 Kg/m3 sau 10,39 Kg/m2
Duritate Brinell: 4,7
Duritate Janka: 1380
Finisare: 7 straturi de lac poliuretanic netoxic (5 straturi de lac tratat UV si 2 straturi finale protectoare anti zgariere).
Tip finisaj: lucios (luciu 70)
Ambalaj: livrat in cutii de 24 bucati (2,212 mp/cutie)(23Kg/ cutie)

Pret/mp :
  • 99 lei/mp TVA INCLUS

Disponibil in doua variante:
  • Parchet Bambus Lucios
  • Parchet bambus Mat


Pret :
  • 45 lei/buc TVA INCLUS




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Do you need help?

We are here and ready to offer our support, drawing on nearly a decade of experience in the production and distribution of wood-based panels.

All you need to do is reach out to us, and our specialists will professionally address your inquiries about the products we sell as quickly as possible.