• Wooden panels are our specialty

    We specialize in selling and processing various types of wood panels.

  • https://www.bricoflor.ro/2023/01/placaj-eucalipt-cu-furnir-estetic.html

Welcome on Bricoflor

Bricoflor is a brand of the Tecnomir Group, a family-owned company involved in the manufacturing, supply, and distribution of wood-based panels and other materials in the construction sectors. Bricoflor meets the customer's needs by providing free consultation for material selection, professional cost estimates, offering catalogs and product samples, ensuring the availability of necessary materials, and executing projects according to the specifications provided by clients. The constant focus on customer orientation is implemented through a broad range of offerings, modern logistics, and personalized services.

Terasa stejar - Pret

Gasiti la Bricoflor elemente de terasa din lemn de stejar de dimensiuni si lungimi diferite. 
Pret : 28 euro/mp
Pret  substructura: 5 euro/mp
Pret manopera 30 lei/mp  

Datorita clasei de rezistenta 2 (durabil) elementele de stejar pentru terase se numara printre cele mai rezistente materiale de constructie, atat din Europa, cat si din Asia Mica.

Datorita procedeelor avansate de uscare a elementelor de stejar, acestea sunt foarte stabile la deformare, rezistente si durabile.  
Culoarea stejarului
Datorita culorii frumoase, de la maro deschis pana la maro gri, a structurii omogene si a unei alternante uniforme a inelelor de crestere anuale, terasele din lemn de stejar incanta privirile in oricare gradina sau balcon.

Daca lemnul nu este tratat, culoarea suprafetei devine gri-argintie pana la gri inchis datorita intemperiilor si variatiilor de temperatura.




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Do you need help?

We are here and ready to offer our support, drawing on nearly a decade of experience in the production and distribution of wood-based panels.

All you need to do is reach out to us, and our specialists will professionally address your inquiries about the products we sell as quickly as possible.